Kindergarten Graduation


Dear Coleson,

Today is a very special day as you are graduating from Kindergarten. Can you even believe you’re already finished with your first year in school? I can’t! This school year has been filled with exciting adventures and challenges. You started at a new school with lots of new things to learn and rules to follow. You made new friends and shared lots of laughs along the way. You’ve also seen an unexpected end to your Kindergarten school year when the Co-Vid 19 pandemic showed up. Oh well, you plowed ahead living your best life at home with mommy, daddy, and Bailey. I think you even said a prayer of thanks to Jesus for the virus and being able to stay home…good stuff, little buddy!

In addition to all the school adventures, you played soccer, basketball, and were beginning baseball practice. We love watching you do the things you love!

Coleson, you are loved so very much by a great big family and we can’t wait to watch you march into first grade next year and all the wonderful adventures that await. We will be there as your biggest fans and cheerleaders every step of the way.

Lots and lots of love!


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